2012年9月18日 星期二

Build EDK2

為了學習寫shell tool,所以開始研究如何建置edk環境。步驟如下:

1. Get EDK2 from SVN


2. 放在C槽,路徑如下C:\edk2

3. visual studio 2005 command prompt (2008, 2010應該也都可以)執edksetup.bat看到畫面如下之後:

4. Key in C:\edk2\build,看到以下畫面就算成功了

5. C:\edk2\Conf\Target.txt
Active folder:
ACTIVE_PLATFORM  = AppPkg/AppPkg.dsc
Active platform:
TARGET_ARCH           = IA32 X64

Note: build 指令參考

Supported build targets

all       - Build whole platform or module. It can be ignored.
genc      - Generate AutoGen.c, AutoGen.h and <ModuleName>.depex files only.
genmake   - Generate makefiles in addition to files generated by "genc" target.
clean     - Clean intermediate files
cleanall  - Clean all generated files and directories during build, except the
            generated Makefile files (top level and module makefiles)
cleanlib  - Clean all generated files and directories during library build
run       - Launch NT32 shell (only valid for NT32 platform)

EDKII document連結 : http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/tianocore/index.php?title=EDK_II_Documents

